Why For Sale By Owner Is A Bad Idea

Why For Sale By Owner Is A Bad Idea

If you’re trying to sell your property yourself to a retail buyer, you’re in for a challenging ride. When you choose to go the For Sale By Owner route it’s likely you’ll encounter a few (if not all) of these issues: The Long Wait It’s often the case that you won’t be...
How To Sell Your House Faster

How To Sell Your House Faster

There’s the traditional route of selling your house with a realtor, and there’s the fast route. Which do you want to take? If you really want to sell your house, avoid realtor commissions, get a fair all-cash offer, and have a variety of creative selling ideas,...
Two Truths About Closing Deals

Two Truths About Closing Deals

Obviously everything we do as investors is geared towards closing deals. It’s obvious because if a deal doesn’t close, the money isn’t made. So we’ve got to close deals right? Right. But here’s one insight that, if you pay attention, will save you much grief. When it...
How to Spot A Real Deal

How to Spot A Real Deal

When it comes to real estate, how can you differentiate the deals from the REAL deals – you know, the one’s that graduate you from dabbler, to legitimate investor? Here’s the thing, successful investors have one thing in common; they don’t buy everything that comes...