Are You Better Off Renting?

Are You Better Off Renting?

True, the American Dream sells home ownership as the ultimate benchmark of success, but it’s not true for everyone. Often times, it makes more sense to rent your home than to buy. What makes renting a better option? Renting, especially in today’s rocky housing market,...
What to Expect as a Tenant Buyer

What to Expect as a Tenant Buyer

Being a tenant buyer is different than being a renter. In a rent to own agreement, since you’re both a tenant and the future owner of the home, you’re expected take greater pride in the property and have greater responsibilities towards it, and you’re expected to...
Why Renting to Own is a Smart Choice Today

Why Renting to Own is a Smart Choice Today

Like all great agreements, renting to own is beneficial to both the seller and the buyer. But, let’s take a look at the advantages for you as the buyer. In a rent to own agreement, you, as the buyer, freeze the price on the home for a year or two in advance of when...